Tag: Covid19

  • COVID – What the numbers reveal

    COVID is a virus that has affected 0.1% of the world population. It is highly contagious and has been able to circumnavigate the globe.  On the surface – the above graphs make two things obvious : More people are being affected by COVID than before Fewer people are dying due to COVID than before The…

  • It is all testing stupid

    I have been following the number for more than 1 month now. I have watched the numbers take off in several countries as CoronaVirus peaks havoc across the globe. There are countries like South Korea and Japan that have been able to fight the disease quite well and then Germany which has managed to keep…

  • COVID-19 and the changing world | Learning by Proxy

    During a conversation a few weeks back, a friend suggested that I create a digest of things that one should be reading about. Since I read hundreds of blogs each day, it might be worth sharing some of the undercurrents that I notice. So I am starting this series called ‘You need to know this’.…