Tag: Google
The evolution of IoT
There has been a lot of work that has gone into IoT devices and I often find startups which pitch consumer facing IoT solutions to me. Apart from the fact that there is zero differentiation and high reproducibility, my questions often hang around whether people feel the pain or not? Do you ever WANT to…
In life the things that you do depend on the degree of certainty. A few days back Salma mailed this image and asked me which company seems to have the best revenue split. The instinctive answer was to say – Microsoft. They seem to the most diversified. They are not dependent on any one stream…
Yahoo! – The Upside
A lot of ink has been spilt on the many mistakes made by Yahoo. How the company refused to buy Google or Facebook when the opportunity existed. Yahoo might in fact be a story of many missed opportunities. But those misses did not really define the failure. Yahoo failed because of a series of poor…
Is Google Doomed?
As much as market share loving analysts might want to make Google look like the star of the future, Google’s actual position for mobile is very poor. Market Share lovers would point to the prevalence of Android and the vast number of apps available on the platform and the number of manufacturers supporting Android. The…
Advertising and Cultural Context
Apple released an ad called Misunderstood, to make their final push for this holiday season. I was just reading up Apple blogs as I normally do and found references to the fact that the ad was really touching. I was left confused because I did not find the advertisement touching. For those who know me,…
I wonder how frenemies live? I am an entrepreneur and I have several business relationships. With the people that I work with, I either get along or I do not get along. There has never ever been a case of getting along while not getting along. What baffles me is when I see companies like…