Category: General Thinking

  • Apps will become the orifice for all payments

    With the launch of Apple Pay, there is much excitement about mobile becoming the source of payment processing going forward. The fact that Apple Pay has not come to India has not left Mobile payments too far behind in India. Several companies like OlaCabs and Taxiforsure have been creating mobile wallets of their own on…

  • ‘Windowing’ Music – Monetise music better for artists

    The sales of CDs and records has been falling for years. When iTunes arrived and online sales of music took off; for a brief period of time it seemed as if a messiah had arrived who would put an end to the troubles of the music industry. It was not to be. The troubles for…

  • Apple showed me how it cares

    Today, I had to transfer the contents on my old laptop to a new one. Fortunately both the laptops were Macs. About 5 years, back when all of my computing was still being done on windows; if such a situation had arisen, I would get a sinking feeling in my stomach because I was near…

  • Why Apple is in a different league to Samsung

    Apple launched the new iPhone 6 in larger screen sizes. The moment the launch event ended, the entire web was abuzz with jokes about how Apple had done exactly what Samsung had done years ago. There were comparative picture, which were circulating all over the web. Samsung just could not withhold their exuberance! They even…

  • Trolling – Who Benefits?

    There is a lot of discussion currently about the BigBillionDay campaign which Flipkart had run. Flipkart decided to make a splash about certain sale/discount/offers being available on their website on the day in order to generate shopper interest and therefore sales. Given the numbers that the company has ben publishing, we can only conclude that…

  • Women and Equality

    Last week I had been a women’s entrepreneurship event wanting to get a deeper sense of the kind of support that women may require in the entrepreneurial eco-system. I have heard about how women who have been in the gaming industry (In the US) have been having it tough due to the men domination and…

  • What I learnt from Beats

    Beats, the company that is famous for their headphones and who also have a fledgling music business recently got acquired by Apple. I have been absorbing all of the commentary surrounding this right from the time that the deal was still a rumour. I really do not know if this acquisition is a good thing…

  • Online Retail – The Revolution?

    In a commerce class in school, I was taught that the point of a business is to earn a profit. Online retail startups have certainly caused me to question this notion.   Money, money everywhere; not a cent to be earned!   VS  I find it quite amazing that there is immense investor confidence in…

  • Startups Club Demo Day

    We as a part of Startups Club organise a Demo Day every year. It is an event which promises great opportunities to network with like minded people, while at the same time providing participants an opportunity to mingle with the special invitees who are a part of the event. We assemble a set of speakers,…

  • Failure

    “One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.” I love this quote from ‘Kung Fu Panda’. I have seen this quote to be true on so many levels and in so many situations. Nobody likes to fail and failure is not a very pleasant experience. But some of the best…