Author: Vivek Srinivasan

  • The evolution of IoT

    There has been a lot of work that has gone into IoT devices and I often find startups which pitch consumer facing IoT solutions to me. Apart from the fact that there is zero differentiation and high reproducibility, my questions often hang around whether people feel the pain or not? Do you ever WANT to…

  • A Thought to a Million Dollars

    Its not everyday that you seek to write a book. Its even rarer when someone comes to you says you MUST write a book. We were told that we must write a book about Startups Club since it was a journey that was unlike what most entrepreneurs would see. Startups Club was a hobby that…

  • Evolution of a thought

    We all stand on the shoulders of giants. Past knowledge serves us as foundations for the future leaps. But it is important to understand where that past knowledge came from. Understanding those fundamentals gives us deep insights into the future leaps that are feasible. How did we realise the universe was larger than we thought,…

  • What is Stem Cell?

    I happened to learn about Stem Cells last week and wanted to share this short note! Cancer researchers started treating cancerous cells with radiation. While they found that this kills the cancerous cells, along with it, the radiation also kills several types of blood cells. We call this chemotherapy After the treatment was done researchers…

  • Growth CEO Vs Turnaround CEO

    Almost every company is a real life experiment which is led by a CEO who determines them. You never know what is going to come out of the experiment. Leaders who build these companies are hoping that the experiments play out in their favour. Once an experiment is found to work, more and more money…

  • The case for being nice

    Demo Day recently got concluded and the torrent of people that I met forced me to think about being nice. There were some that I just wanted to speak more with, while others that I wanted to avoid. I meet about a hundred people each week. Some are fleeting introductions and some are much more…

  • Elon Musk is crowdfunding The Boring Company

    I find it strange that someone like Elon Musk has to do something as gimmicky. He is crowdfunding his latest venture, The Boring Company selling Hats! Over 30,000 hats sold! — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 11, 2017

  • The future of…

    Technology has been disrupting every facet of our lives. What will our future look like, how will it change and what are the things that we can do to embrace this change. Whether you are building a business or just going about with your job you will be affected by these changes. How will we…

  • Did you know – Gut

    You must have heard the term gut instinct; for the past few years science has spent all of its effort rubbishing it! Well, gut instinct is real! The brain is the organ that consumes the most amount of energy in your body. Almost 20% of all energy consumed is by the brain. The gut is…

  • Certainty

    In life the things that you do depend on the degree of certainty. A few days back Salma mailed this image and asked me which company seems to have the best revenue split. The instinctive answer was to say – Microsoft. They seem to the most diversified. They are not dependent on any one stream…