Author: Vivek Srinivasan

  • The Myth of Talent

    Talent is a myth, I was told… Now I believe it. In order to arrive at perfection in any area of pursuit, you need to put in 10,000 hours of practice. Let us put that time in perspective. If you put in about 3 hours of practice a day, which is hard, you will do…

  • Anatomy of an Investment

    Investors determine their investments in various companies based on a variety of criteria. Ultimately, the investor wants to see the startups scale and grow to be a large enterprise. In order to be able to do this, the company must have certain fundamentals right. Having sat through several hundred pitch sessions, these are some of…

  • Manufacturing and Jobs

    There was a time when the hinterland was where all the jobs went. People in the cities bought what was produced in the hinterland. Then shipping and air transportation took off big time and it made more sense to transport things that to produce them in your own country. It was easier to specialise and…

  • Who is going to be the winner in the ride sharing space?

    There is a tremendous amount of interest in the autonomous driving technology. There are a lot of companies including big wigs like Google and Apple that seem to have thrown in their hat into the ring. This has caused a lot of car manufacturers to take note and start competing programs or partner with either…

  • Its more expensive now…

    Not really! We tend to often assume that things are a lot more expensive now than they used to be and our parents/grandparents would have us completely convinced of the same. I saw the chart below a few weeks back. To think that the first digital watch would be $12,000 dollars today. People lost their…

  • The photo of an Atom

    This photo blew my mind. The actual photo of a single atom! I saw it here

  • When the new threatens the old…

    The old tries to hit back at the new with its financial might. Have you heard of lab grown meat. If you have not, this is for the most part a US only phenomena and beginning to make its way to retail store shelves. The people who are most likely to be hit by this…

  • Trust and Profits

    There is a deep corrlation between trust and profit. This article looks at the ad spends and what it shows us about trust.

  • Investing in the past

    An investment of a couple of Million was made in a startup that plans to deliver fuel directly to the cars in London. Zebra Fuel, a London-based startup that wants to eliminate the inner city gas station by delivering fuel directly to your vehicle, has raised $2.5 million in seed funding. What do you suppose…

  • AR Glasses by Intel – Vaunt

    No matter how much I think about it, to me it seems like the perfect platform for AR would be glasses. The excessive use of smartphones has resulted in a lot of time spent looking at a slab of glass very close to our eyes resulting in Myopia. A lot of us are buying glasses…