Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Why the Electric Future will not deliver

    The future may well be electric, but it is not going to come be the way we may imagine it to be. We are busy designing and building a future where Lithium Ion batteries will dominate almost everything. The truth of the matter is that, the chart above tells a different story. There is limited…

  • Driving Virtually

    Nvidia gave a demo yesterday which can only be described as wicked cool! They seem to be working at the absolute cutting edge of technology. They drove a car completely virtually. It just blew my mind! Just watch the demo video embedded below and let your mind be blown as well! Starts at around 12:40.…

  • Selling Privacy

    The entire social media business has been premised on selling your private data to actors who have the money to buy it. But what happens when those actors are not looking to just sell you goods; but an idea – That your country is going to the dogs! It creates the possibility that entire elections…

  • Did you know? – Bite the bullet

    You may have heard of the phrase – ‘bite the bullet’. It is used to describe the act of doing something unpleasant or difficult, which you have been putting off. Anaesthesia was discovered by accident in 1840’s American physician Crawford W. Long noticed that his friends felt no pain when they injured themselves while staggering…

  • Building a world for the self-driving car

    I was reading today morning and I saw this blog talk about the potential of self-driving vehicles being able to see around corners of the street by reflecting lasers. We have built the world around us with the assumption that ONLY we will use it; which has been a fair assumption to make until now……

  • Milk

    Milk is not something that we are naturally meant to consume, but milk has become an essential part of our diets. The dairy industry has grown and continued to grow in recent years to just quench our thirst for milk. Now startups are looking to disrupt how we get our milk and meat. Humanity’s procurement…

  • Future of Electronics

    The impact that graphene is going to have on the future of electronics cannot be underestimated. Graphene is a carbon structure which is one atom thick. Image a sheet of carbon only one atom thick being used for building a whole host of solutions including batteries and advanced circuits. Now scientists are finding a way…

  • Blockchain and Governance

    I came across this article a couple of weeks back. The idea is one of 35 that Bloomberg Philanthropies selected from over 300 applications for the testing phase of its 2018 US Mayors Challenge. The challenge asked American cities for technology and data solutions for their most pressing challenges and awarded up to $100,000 in…

  • Prime Numbers

    Modern Cryptography is based on prime numbers. When the research started out on cryptography, they were looking for what is called a reversible function. While most mathematical functions are reversible, they are also very easy to crack through. If you wish to know more about how we arrived at this point, I advice a more…

  • Tipping point – Autonomous Cars

    Autonomous technology is the holy grail for future of automobile. It will not only upend the automobile industry but also real estate, retail and many others. It is only fair to say that every company with enough cash in their wallets have been trying to get into the game. Apple, Alphabet (read Google), Tencent, Uber,…

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