Category: Entrepreneurship

  • Blablacar – Thoughts to ponder about India (Updated)

    Blablacar is a French startup that recently scored a USD 100 Million in funding to expand beyond Europe. One of the countries that the company is considering entering is India. India is a large market and has a huge number of cars on its roads. Blablacar is a company that allows for car-pooled rides over…

  • Vision and its role in achieving success

    I travel a lot and I drive very often. I always try to reach the destination as fast as possible. I use to think that the speed at which you drive is related to the width of the road. The wider road affords you a lot of room to make errors and therefore allowing you to…

  • Business is all about Trust

    I had put this topic down a long time time back. I had wanted to write about this subject, but it is probably better that I write about it now. It is better that I write about it now because of what has happened with a small company called Healbe. Healbe is a small startup…

  • Secrets of a successful Bootstrapper

    Use the resources that are at your disposal – Often we do not even realise all of the resources that are available to us. If you dig down hard, you would find that there are plenty of things that are available for free or at a cost that is almost close to nothing. If you…

  • #StartupsClub #DemoDay2014

    Last year around July: Startups Club was about 4 months into its journey and had reached two cities. We thought that we needed to do a big event. Well what would be the purpose of such an event? Most startups fumble around to get proper validation, whether from prospective clients, from people with sufficient industry…

  • An Important lesson on managing Teams

    I was wondering why it is, that we tend to have better meetings at Startups Club when the group tends to be smaller than when we have larger groups. I found the answer in a book called ‘The art of thinking clearly’. In 1913 Maximilian Ringelmann, a French engineer, conducted an experiment on horses! After…

  • Investing in a Startup

    I have always thought that investors had the easier end of the bargain. They had people coming to them to present their proposals, which they would evaluate based on their knowledge and accept or reject. All that changed since we put in place a Student Project Grant at VIT University, Vellore. The premise was that…

  • Finding your Co-founder

    Last week we had a great Startups Club meet at Chennai. The topic of the meeting was ‘Finding your Co-founder’. We had a discussions about the importance of a co-founder, after which, we arrived at the customary game. As a part of the game, all of the individuals who were present in the room were…

  • The Blueprints Club

    For a good part of the last 6 months, we have been pondering over the absence of sufficient number of startups emerging out of Engineering Colleges. On one of our visits to VIT, Vellore; we decided to work along with VIT-TBI to have the opportunity to work with young students with ideas. As a part…

  • Having your sights on the goal!

    So yesterday, my partner’s son had gone to an amusement park and his bag got misplaced. Worse the bag had his newly acquired iPhone. He was still at the amusement park when we came to know of this, and as you would expect it was shocking to hear this. After the initial “Oh Shit!” “God!”…