Tag: Startups

  • #StartupsClub #DemoDay2014

    Last year around July: Startups Club was about 4 months into its journey and had reached two cities. We thought that we needed to do a big event. Well what would be the purpose of such an event? Most startups fumble around to get proper validation, whether from prospective clients, from people with sufficient industry…

  • Investing in a Startup

    I have always thought that investors had the easier end of the bargain. They had people coming to them to present their proposals, which they would evaluate based on their knowledge and accept or reject. All that changed since we put in place a Student Project Grant at VIT University, Vellore. The premise was that…

  • Finding your Co-founder

    Last week we had a great Startups Club meet at Chennai. The topic of the meeting was ‘Finding your Co-founder’. We had a discussions about the importance of a co-founder, after which, we arrived at the customary game. As a part of the game, all of the individuals who were present in the room were…

  • The Blueprints Club

    For a good part of the last 6 months, we have been pondering over the absence of sufficient number of startups emerging out of Engineering Colleges. On one of our visits to VIT, Vellore; we decided to work along with VIT-TBI to have the opportunity to work with young students with ideas. As a part…

  • We should thank Barack Obama for Crowd-funding!

    So today, I was getting all bent out of shape about the shame that is, Indian Politics. The so-called saviour, who was elected last month in Delhi is engaging in a form of economic stupidity that cannot even be expressed in words. He was probably the first guy in India who was able to pull…

  • Co-Founders II

    For any startup it’s greatest asset is the time that it’s founders are able to dedicate to the venture. Apart from the time that they are able to extend every person has a set of contact sphere and these contact sphere gives him/her access to certain resources. Resources that otherwise would have been difficult to…

  • Co-Founders

    In India, when individuals set out to found companies, they rarely think about the need for a co-founder. They set out to do what they wish to do, without much thought about building their team. What is even more shocking is that most of them think that they would be able to hire people in…

  • Reason to Start early with Entrepreneurship

    Life is an evolutionary journey. As we go through life, we mature; and as we mature, our needs increase. Entrepreneurship is also a journey, a journey that few individuals feel motivated to embark on. So, in life, as our needs increase, the resources that we require to meet these needs also increase. When it comes…

  • Teams and Productivity

    At the time that a project is conceived, there are certain expectations on how it is to be executed. This is most often the case with most startups; startups begin as mere projects.  Based on the execution envisaged, people are assigned and teams are created. I have often noticed that as the pace of things…