Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Thinking

    Thinking is a double edged sword. I often advice entrepreneurs to think about what they plan to do. I also advice them to spend time thinking about their business rather than getting down to execution. Thought is a cheap simulation machine that is available to us. The more data you feed (talk to potential customers)…

  • When things fall apart…

    Hold it together. Often the difference between those who lead and those who follow is merely this. In life there will be instances when things would not go your way. We all operate on assumptions and it should come as no surprise that some of those assumptions turn out to be wrong. The more fundamental…

  • On Carrying On…

    In an experiment that was conducted in the 1960’s two dogs were placed in two separate cages. Each dog then received a series of electric shocks to their hind legs at the same time. The first dog’s cage was fitted with a pad which it could push with its nose and stop the electricity. The…

  • Prisoner

    Money Health Happiness Capability Relationships Friendships Respect Honor Recognition Passion Drive   We all crave some or all of these things in varying capacities. Almost none of us get all of it at the same time. Human tendency is to focus on what we have lost which makes us all bent towards loss aversion. If…

  • Tomorrow

    Our tomorrow is a result of the seeds we sow today. But we cannot know for a fact what our tomorrow will look like. We take steps today based on what we anticipate tomorrow; but that we know not. We make a payment on an e-commerce site because we expect them to deliver. What if…

  • How we see

    Self-driving cars are hard to do. Most of the engineering that is currently is focused on making the car see. Part of the reason for this is the world is actually built for you and I. Our roads are not designed with embedded sensors to help self-driving cars see. Its meant for us to see…

  • Solar Car from Sion Motors

    Since the Electric Car resolution started, I have wondered why wouldn’t anybody want to use the car itself to produce energy. A car is driven in the open and therefore exposed to sunlight during the day. Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight to energy using a principle called the Photo Electric Effect; the discovery of which got…

  • 3D Printing to Build

    3D printing promised to end all manufacturing and change supply chain forever. It has not deliver on that promise, yet. For a period of time it seemed like 3D printing would only be used by geeks to play with. To build quick and easy components for electronics. Very specialised application for 3D Printing in healthcare…

  • Blockchain Evolution

    Last year was when most of the non-nerdy world woke up to Crypto-Currency and Blockchain. For the most part this was thanks to the fact that Bitcoin was on a tear and was doubling in value every few weeks! Blockchain is the fundamental technology which makes crypto-currencies possible. Blockchain essentially stores all data in the…

  • Causing Death

    Does not sound like a good thing to do. Also, works horribly if the business you are involved in is going to end up doing precisely that. And still the car industry thrives. When motor cars were first introduced, there were a large number of accidents that took place. In the entire state of Ohio…

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